Linux Interview Question

What is SELinux?
What is the most graceful way to get to run level single user mode?
Write a command to find all of the files which have been accessed within the last 10 days.
How do I find whether a parameter exists in the request object?
What does Security-enhanced Linux give me that standard Linux can’t?
What can you type at a command line to determine which shell you are using?
In order to display the last five commands you have entered using the fc command, you would type?
What command should you use to check your filesystem?
What file defines the levels of messages written to system log files?
What account is created when you install Linux?
What daemon is responsible for tracking events on your system?
Where is standard output usually directed?
What utility can you use to show a dynamic listing of running processes?
Who owns the data dictionary?
Compare Linux credit based algorithm with other scheduling algorithms?
What is the main advantage of creating links to a file instead of copies of the file?
What is LILO?
What is CVS?
What is NFS? What is its job?
In Linux OS, what is the file server?
What are the techniques that you use to handle the collisions in hash tables?
What is the major advantage of a hash table?
What is Write Command ?
Why You Shouldn’t Use the root Login?
How big should the swap-space partition be?
Which field is used to define the user’s default shell?
When you create a new partition, you need to designate its size by defining the starting and ending?

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