Windows Workflow Foundation :Using Sequential Workflows

 IfElse: executes the activities contained in two or more possible paths based on whether a condition is met.

: repeatedly executes one or more activities as long as a condition is true.

 Sequence: executes a group of activities one at a time in a defined order.

 Parallel: executes two or more sequences of activities in parallel, waiting for all sequences to complete before continuing.

 Code: executes a defined chunk of code.

 Listen: waits for a specific event, then executes one or more activities when that event is received.

 Delay: suspends a workflow's execution for a specified amount of time.

 InvokeMethod: calls a method in an object that's in this application but outside of the workflow.

 EventSink: waits for a call from another method that's in this application but outside of the workflow.

 InvokeWorkflow: causes another workflow to begin executing.

 InvokeWebService: calls a web service.

 Terminate: ends a workflow's execution.

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