CodeProject Newsletter Aug'2008

Dialogs and Windows

Files and Folders

  • CBR/CBZ Comics in C# - thund3rstruck
    Interaction with CBZ/CBR comic books in C#.
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Win32, Dev, Intermediate

  • Simple .NET PDF Merger - Michael Ulmann
    A simple .NET PDF merger that supports header and footer text.
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows, .NET, Win32, Dev, Intermediate

Grid & Data Controls


  • Use of Isolated Storage ( A Simple Demo ) - Abhishek sur
    The article will help you to use Isolated Storage Classes (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C#, C# 2.0), VB (VB 7.x, VB 8.0, VB 9.0, VB), .NET (.NET 3.0, .NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Win32, Win64, Visual Studio (VS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005, VS2008, Visual Studio), SysAdmin, Sales, Marketing, CEO, Architect, DBA, Dev, QA, Design, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  • ColorBlender - Dynamic Gradient Color Blend Creation Control (VB.NET) - SSDiver2112
    How to create a ColorBlend and two color blending UserControls to make it easier (Unedited)
    VB (VB 8.0, VB), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), GDI+, Design, Intermediate

  • Customizable Window Layouts - Roland Trainor
    A class to facilitate user defined dialog and window control layouts. (Unedited)
    C++, Windows, MFC, Architect, Dev, Design, Intermediate

Static & Panel Controls

  • Border Container - Elkay
    A collapsable, container control with complete header, border and color customization. Also has the ability to utilize an 'Activation' button (like the 'Active Files' button you'll find at the top of every form in the Visual Studio IDE.)
    VB, Windows, .NET, Dev, Intermediate

Tabs & Property Pages

Applications & Tools

  • Split File - SHRIDHAR TL
    Splits huge files into many small pieces as specified by the user. (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows, Visual Studio (VS2008, Visual Studio, VS2005), Design, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Dot Net Installer that automatically install SQL 2005 Express - John Kenedy S.Kom
    This project enable developer to create a setup package that automatically install SQL 2005 Express and restore database to it (Unedited)
    C# (C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows (Windows, WinXP, Vista), ADO.NET, SQL Server (SQL 2005, SQL Server), Dev, Intermediate

  • JPGDateChanger - Tool to Restore Last Modified Date for JPG Files - Damir Valiulin
    JPGDateChanger is a tool that changes last modified date to the one stored in EXIF data (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, C++), C++/CLI, Windows, Visual Studio, MFC


Internet / Network


  • How to convert a Silverlight control to a Visual WebGui Silverlight control - Eyal Albert
    In this "How to" we are going to learn how to convert a Silverlight control to a Visual WebGui Control. This will allow you to take your hard earned controls that you created in Silverlight our Silverlight controls that you found while roaming the web and convert them with very little effort to a Vi (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Javascript, XML, CSS, HTML, XHTML, Windows (Windows, WinXP, Vista), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS2005, VS2008, Visual Studio), Silverlight, Dev, Intermediate

Office Development

  • Outlook Drag and Drop in C# - David Ewen
    How to drag and drop multiple Outlook mail messages or message attachments to a C# WinForm.
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), Windows, .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Office, COM, Dev, Intermediate

SharePoint Server

  • WSS Picture Thumbnails Web Part - Stephen Huen
    Displays images from a SharePoint Picture Library in a widget-like thumbnail layout (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS2005, Visual Studio), ASP.NET, Dev, Intermediate, Advanced


  • SQL Compact 3.5 Tidbits & Gotchas! - Jammer
    An article detailing the odd problems and solutions to using SQL Compact 3.5 in desktop applications (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), SQL, Windows, Win Mobile, .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), LINQ, SQL Server (SQL 2005, SQL CE, SQL Server), Visual Studio (VS2008, Visual Studio), DBA, Dev, Beginner

  • Database Concurrency Patterns - SIP and SUP - George Zabanah
    Take a look at two new patterns to help with database concurrency: SIP and SUP.
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), SQL, .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), SQL Server (SQL 2005, SQL Server), Architect, DBA, Intermediate

  • Stored Procedure Generator - haiderkhan
    This software generates Insert, Update, Delete, and Select stored procedures (whichever you want) for selected tables.
    C#, SQL Server, ADO.NET, Dev, Intermediate

SQL Reporting Services


  • Professional System Library: Introduction - Vitaly Tomilov
    Simplified and Unified way for accessing most frequently used information about Process, System and Environment (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, C++, VC9.0), C++/CLI, C# (C# 3.0, C#, C# 1.0, C# 2.0), VB (VB 7.x, VB 8.0, VB 9.0, VB 6, VB), VBScript, Office, Windows (Windows, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, TabletPC), .NET (.NET 3.0, .NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Win32, Win64, ATL, COM, Architect, Dev, QA, SysAdmin, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Game Development

  • Star Trek 1971 Text Game - Michael Birken
    A reworking of the 1971 Star Trek text game using C#
    C#, Windows, Dev, Intermediate


  • A Common Base Class for LINQ to SQL - Bruce Zhang
    A common base class for LINQ to SQL with which you can implement code to access database easily.
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), LINQ, Dev, Intermediate


  • Entertainment Time in MFC - aljodav
    An MFC dependent function, that can be used either as a splash window or stand-alone, to show cached internet images (Unedited)
    C++ (VC7.1, C++), Windows (Windows, WinXP), MFC, Dev, Beginner

  • Duplicate File Finder - Arman Z. Sahakyan
    A tool that finds duplicate files in your system (Unedited)
    C++ (VC7.1, C++), C, Windows (Windows, Win2K, WinXP), Win32, MFC, Intermediate

Mobile Development

  • A Flashlight App for Your Smartphone or PocketPC - Don Kackman
    A simple, fully functional flashlight to help you see in the dark (Unedited)
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), Win Mobile (Win Mobile, WinMobile6, WinMobile5), .NET CF, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, Beginner

Vista Security

  • Bypassing PatchGuard 3 - Christoph Husse
    This article shows how to bypass PatchGuard 3 on the latest windows versions. (Unedited)
    C++, C++/CLI, C, Windows (WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Windows), Win32, Win64, Architect, Dev, Advanced

Windows Communication Foundation

  • WCF Operation Timeout Exception - Sadish Kumar.V
    To avoid the Operation timeout error in WCF applications, we need to configure the Operation Timeout property for Proxy in the WCF client code. This configuration is something new unlike other configurations such as Send Timeout, Receive Timeout etc.,To set this operation timeout property configur (Unedited)
    VB (VB 8.0, VB), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.0), WCF, Architect, Dev, Intermediate

  • Securing WCF Services with Certificates - Jason Hodges
    An article that describes how to secure WCF services using X.509 certificates issued from a certificate authority.
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.0), ASP.NET, Dev, Intermediate

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Working with Checkboxes in the WPF TreeView - Josh Smith
    Examines how to create a tree of checkboxes that intelligently update their own check state and are easy to navigate with the keyboard (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5), XAML, WPF, Architect, Dev, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Real-Time Multilingual WPF Demo - David Sleeckx
    Translate a WPF User Interface using the Google AJAX Language API in real-time
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), SQL, .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5), XAML, WPF, LINQ, Dev, Intermediate

  • Hello XPS World - Part 2 of n(ot too many) - Lee Humphries
    Well somebody had to do it. (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), WPF, Dev, Beginner, Intermediate


  • Server Availability - Jinal Desai
    Making generalized database server connection utility. (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS.NET2003, VS2005, Visual Studio), Architect, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Programming XPath with VTD-XML - Jimmy Zhang
    Learn to take advantage of VTD-XML's stateless XPath capability to achieve unmatched efficiency and flexibility (Unedited)
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, C++, VC9.0), C++/CLI, C, C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), XML, XSLT, eVC 3.0, eVC 4.0, VB 7.x, VB 8.0, VB 9.0, VB 6, IronPython, IronRuby, Office, Mobile, .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0, Mono, DotGNU, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Embedded, NT4, Win32, Win64, SQL Server (SQL 2000, SQL 2005, SQL CE, SQL Server), IIS (IIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, IIS 7, IIS), Visual Studio (VS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005, VS6, VS2008, Visual Studio), MFC, WTL, STL, GDI, GDI+, OpenGL, DirectX, COM+, WPF, LINQ, Ajax, Flash, Silverlight, Oracle, SAP, Sales, Marketing, Design, SysAdmin, CEO, Architect, DBA, Dev, QA, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Using Crystal Report with Oracle and parametrized Query (Passing sql query parameters to crystal reports) - Rehan Ahmad Abbasi
    Using Crystal Report with Oracle and parametrized Query ( windows application). Passing sql query parameters to crystal reports (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C#), Windows (Windows, NT4, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.0, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005, Visual Studio), ADO.NET, Oracle, Architect, Dev, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Batch Renamer in C# - Mohammad Dayyan
    Renames files
    C# 3.0, Windows (Windows, WinXP, Vista), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5), Visual Studio (VS2008, Visual Studio), Beginner

  • Firefox bookmark manager by C# and XML - Mohammad Dayyan
    Firefox bookmark manager (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), XML, Windows (Windows, WinXP, Vista), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5), Visual Studio (VS2008, Visual Studio), LINQ, Intermediate


  • Xml Database Demo - VB Rocks
    This article walks you through creating a simple windows database with an Xml file as it's datasource. (Unedited)
    VB (VB 8.0, VB), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), ADO.NET, Design, Intermediate


Algorithms & Recipes

  • A Money type for the CLR - codekaizen
    A convenient, high-performance money structure for the CLR which handles arithmetic operations, currency types, formatting, and careful distribution and rounding without loss.
    C# (C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), Architect, Dev, Intermediate

  • Octree Search - Kam
    An Octree Search in C# (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET, Architect, DBA, Dev, QA, Design, SysAdmin, Sales, Marketing, Advanced

  • An Implementation of Regular Expression Parser in C# - Mizan Rahman
    An article on how one can implement regular expression parser
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), Windows, .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Dev, Intermediate

  • a Tiny Parser Generator - Herre Kuijpers
    TinyPG is a utility that makes it easier to write and try out your own parser/compiler. (Unedited)
    C# (C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows (Windows, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS2005, VS2008, Visual Studio), Dev, Intermediate, Advanced

Cryptography & Security

  • C# FNV Hash - Jasmin Muharemovic
    A C# class for creating a custom sized FNV hash.
    C#, Windows, .NET, Dev, Intermediate


  • Survival guide to do resource localization using Compact Framework 2.0 - freedeveloper
    A small guide to create localizated resources with Compact Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Win Mobile (Win Mobile, WinMobile5), .NET CF, .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS2005, Visual Studio), Design, Intermediate

Code Generation

  • Generate AST for the DLR - Lionel LASKE
    Learn how to generate your own code for the DLR using an Abstract Syntax Tree.
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows, .NET (.NET, Mono, .NET 3.5), Visual Studio (VS2008, Visual Studio), Silverlight, Architect, Dev, Advanced

  • Document and Code Generation by LINQ and XSL - Dave Elliott
    An article on how to generate source code as well as populate Excel Spreadsheets.
    C# (C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), XML, XSLT, Office, .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), LINQ, Dev, Intermediate, Advanced

Hardware & System

  • Reading and Writing to Raw Disk Sectors - dkg0414
    Bypasses upper filter of class disk driver for reading and writing to disk (Unedited)
    C, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Windows), Win32, Visual Studio (Visual Studio, VS2005), Dev, Intermediate

  • Creating WMI Permanent Event Subscriptions Using MOF - Uros Calakovic - Urke
    The article shows some samples of setting up permanent event subscriptions using MOF and receiving WMI events at all times.
    VBScript, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Windows), SysAdmin, Beginner, Intermediate

Product Showcase

  • Creating Highly Compressed Searchable PDFs - S Wilson
    Turn a scanned TIFF into a searchable image-over-text PDF and make the file a fraction of its original size using Pegasus Imaging SDKs. Save server space and search documents that were originally not searchable. We'll show you how we do it, and give you the sample code in C#.
    C#, .NET, Visual Studio, Architect, Dev, Intermediate

Articles updated added Last week

Button Controls

Dialogs and Windows

  • Advanced message box for .NET - Sergey Stoyan
    A replacement of .NET MessageBox class that provides additional features and improvements like possibility to show any number of buttons, 'apply-my-answer-by-default' checkbox, intelligence layout and more.
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows (Windows, NT4, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0), Win32, Visual Studio (VS2005, Visual Studio), Intermediate

Files and Folders

  • High Performance Unicode Text File I/O Routines for C++ - Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)
    Surprisingly, neither the C++ runtime library nor the Win32 Platform SDK provide any routines to read and write Unicode text files. This article provides high performance routines to read all types of Unicode files (both UTF-16 and UTF-8) as well as ANSI files.
    C++ (VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0, C++), Windows (Windows, NT4, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista), Win32, Win64, Dev, Intermediate

  • Generate PDF Using C# - Predrag Tomasevic
    Using OpenOffice to convert different document types to PDF. (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), Windows, .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5)VS2008, Dev, Intermediate


  • Printing of DataGridView - Life with .NET
    This article will print all the records in a datagridview in tabular form (Unedited)
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), Windows (Windows, Win2003), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), ADO.NET, Visual Studio (VS.NET2002, Visual Studio), Architect, Dev, Beginner, Intermediate


Client side scripting

Internet / Network

  • Picture Chat Using C# - Yang Kok Wah
    A chat program that supports Unicode input and picture transfer.
    C#, Windows, .NETVS.NET2002, Dev, Intermediate


  • Fun With Gravity - BoneSoft
    A gravity simulation particle system.
    C# 1.0, C# 2.0, Windows, .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0VS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005, Dev, Intermediate


SQL Reporting Services

Game Development

  • Star Trek Contest Submission - rTron1
    Star Trek Game Submission "Galactic Conquest" (Unedited)
    C, Windows (NT4, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, TabletPC, Windows), Dev, Design, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


  • CuttingEdge.Conditions - The .NET Junkie
    A pre- and postcondition validation framework, based on .NET 3.5 extension methods (Unedited)
    C# (C# 3.0, C#), VB (VB 9.0, VB), .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5), LINQ, Architect, Dev, Design, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Mobile Development

  • Automatically Starting your Application on Windows Mobile - Joel Ivory Johnson
    An article discussing the various methods that one can use to automatically start an application on Windows mobile, either by schedule or in reaction to a system event. (Unedited)
    C#, Win Mobile (WinMobile5, Win Mobile, WinMobile6), Mobile, Visual Studio (Visual Studio, VS2008), Dev, Intermediate

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Introduction to XPS - Part 1 of n(ot too many) - Lee Humphries
    XPS is a fixed document format derived from XAML - so how do you use it to produce the documents you want? (Unedited)
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), XML, XSLT, .NET (.NET, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0), XAML, WPF, Architect, Dev, Beginner, Intermediate

C / C++ Language

  • Two-Way Progress Bar - Elkay
    A Progress Bar User Control that uses a couple of intermediate level ComponentModel properties
    VB, Windows, .NET 3.0VS2005, Dev, Intermediate



Algorithms & Recipes

Macros and Add-ins

  • Barcode Image Generation Library - Brad Barnhill
    This library was designed to give an easy class for developers to use when they need to generate barcode images from a string of data
    C# (C# 2.0, C#), Windows (Windows, Win2K, WinXP, Win2003), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Visual Studio (VS2005, Visual Studio), Dev, Intermediate

  • .NET Regular Expressions Find and Replace Add-In for Visual Studio 2005 - jhillman
    A .NET Regular Expressions Find and Replace add-in for Visual Studio 2005
    C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), XML, .NET, Visual Studio (Visual Studio, VS2005), Dev, Intermediate

  • Linkify Add-in for Visual Studio - peterchen
    Link source code comments to your bug tracker, MSDN, development Wiki and more. (Unedited)
    C# 2.0, Windows, .NET 2.0VS2005, VS2008, Dev, Intermediate

Threads, Processes & IPC

  • Lock & Wait Synchronization in C++ - voidbent
    Applying lock and wait synchronization in C++.
    VC7, VC7.1, VC8.0Win2K, WinXPVS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005, Dev, Intermediate

Code Generation

  • SQL Class shell generator - Paw Jershauge
    Generate Class Shells from SQL Database tables, (SQL 2005 & 2008 only) (Unedited)
    C#, VB, Windows (Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Windows), .NET (.NET 2.0, .NET), Win32, SQL Server (SQL Server, SQL 2005)

Hardware & System

  • Tray Me! - Malli_S
    A Beginner's Guide to Windows Hooks
    C++, Windows, Visual Studio, Dev, Intermediate

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