Digital Globalsoft

• Technical
* Difference between VB dll and assemblies in .NET
* What is machine.config and web.config
* Tell about WSDL
* About web methods and its various attributes
* What is manifest
* Types of caching
* What does connection string consists of
* Where do you store connection string
* What is the difference between session state and session variables
* How do you pass session values from one page to another
* What are WSDL ports
* What is dataset and tell about its features. What are equivalent methods of previous, next etc. Of ADO in ADO.NET
* What is abstract class
* What is difference between interface inheritance and class inheritance
* What are the collection classes
* Which namespace is used for encryption
* What are the various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET
* What is the difference between authentication and autherization
* What are the types of threading models
* How do you send an XML document from client to server
* How do you create dlls in .NET
* What is inetermediate language in .NET
* What is CLR and how it generates native code
* Can we store PROGID informatoin in database and dynamically load the component
* Is VB.NET object oriented? What are the inheritances does VB.NET support.
* What is strong name and what is the need of it
* Any disadvantages in Dataset and in reflection
* Advantage of over vb
* What is runtime host
* How to send a DataReader as a parameter to a remote client
* How do you consume a webservice
* What happens when a reference to webservice is added
* How do you reference to a private & shared assembly
* What is the purpose of System.EnterpriseServices namespace
* About .Net remoting
* Difference between remoting and webservice
* Types of statemanagement techniques
* How to register a shared assembly
* About stateless and statefull webservice
* How to invoke .net components from com components,give the sequence
* How to check null values in dataset
* About how soap messages are sent and received in webservice
* Error handling and how this is done
* Features in .net framework 1.1
* Any problem found in
* Optimization technique description
* About disco and uddi
* What providers does uses internally
* Oops concepts
* Disadvantages of vb
* XML serialization
* What providers do you use to connect to oracle database?

* Types of joins

* What are various life cycle model in S/W development


  1. machine.config contains all the default configuration setting for the application ,hosted in web server.There is only one machine.config in a web server.It is automatically installed when you install VISUAL

    Web.config file is automatically created when you create a application.This config file setting for each application. web.config file is situated in application root directory

  2. Types of caching----

    There are 3 types of caching in .net.

    1-data caching
    2-Output caching
    3-Fragment caching

  3. Connection string consists of

    1-server name
    2- database username and password.
    3-connection timeout
    4-connection pooling

  4. Connection string is stored in web.config file for best use in application.
