Core Java and OOP's Interview questions

1. What is JVM (Java Virtual Machine)?
2. What is JIT (Just-in-Time) Compilation?
3. What is Object Oriented Programming?
4. What’s a Class?
5. What’s an Object?
6. What’s the relation between Classes and Objects?
7. What are different properties provided by Object-oriented systems?
8. How can we implement polymorphism in Java?
9. What’s an interface and how will you go about implementing an interface?
10. What is an Abstract class?
11. What are Abstract methods?
12. What’s the difference between “Abstract” classes and “Interfaces”?
13. What’s difference between Static and Non-Static fields of a class?
14. What are inner classes and what’s the practical implementation of inner classes?
15. What are packages?
16. What is a constructor in class?
17. Can constructors be parameterized?
18. What is the use if “instanceof” keyword?
19. What are Native methods in Java?
20. How do refer to a current instance of object?
21. Explain in depth Garbage collector?
22. How does the garbage collector determine that the object has to be marked for deletion?
23. Can you explain “finalize()” method?
24. How can we force the garbage collector to run?
25. What’s the main difference between “Switch” and “If” comparison?
26. What’s the use of JAVAP tool?
27. What are applets?
28. In which package is the applet class located?
29. What are native interfaces in Java?
30. what are Class loader’s?
31. what is Bootstrap, Extension and System Class loader?
32. Can you explain the flow between bootstrap, extension and system class loader?
33. Can you explain how can you practically do dynamic loading?
34. What is Reflection API in Java ?
35. What’s the difference between static and dynamic class loading ?
36. How can you copy one array in to a different array?
37. Can you explain the core collection interfaces?
38. What’s the difference between standard JAVA array and ArrayList class?
39. What’s the use of “ensureCapacity” in ArrayList class?
40. How can we obtain an array from an ArrayList class?
41. What is “LinkedList” class for?
42. Can you explain HashSet class in collections?
43. what is LinkedHashSet class?
44. what is a TreeSet class?
45. what’s the use of Comparator Interface?
46. How can we access elements of a collection?
47. What is Map and SortedMap Interface?
48. Have you used any collection algorithm?
49. Why do we use collections when we had traditional ways for collection?
50. Can you name the legacy classes and interface for collections?
51. What is Enumeration Interface?
52. what’s the main difference between ArrayList / HashMap and Vector / Hashtable?
53. Are String object Immutable, Can you explain the concept?
54. what is a StringBuffer class and how does it differs from String class?
55. what is the difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer class?
56. What is Pass by Value and Pass by reference? How does JAVA handle the same?
57. What are access modifiers?
58. what is Assertion?
59. Can you explain the fundamentals of deep and shallow Cloning?
60. How do we implement Shallow cloning?
61. How do we implement deep cloning?
62. What’s the impact of private constructor?
63. What are the situations you will need a constructor to be private?
64. Can you explain final modifier?
65. What are static Initializers?
66. If we have multiple static initializer blocks how is the sequence handled?
67. Define casting? What are the different types of Casting?
68. Can you explain Widening conversion and Narrowing conversion?
69. Can we assign parent object to child objects?
70. Define exceptions?
71. Can you explain in short how JAVA exception handling works?
72. Can you explain different exception types?
73. Can you explain checked and unchecked exceptions?
74. Can we create our own exception class?
75. What are chained exceptions?
76. What is serialization?
77. How do we implement serialization actually?
78. What’s the use of Externalizable Interface?
79. What is JAVAdoc utility?
80. what are JAVAdoc doclets?
81. What is Auto boxing and unboxing?
82. How much subclasses you can maximum in Inheritance?
83. Can you explain transient and volatile modifiers?

Note:- if you want to Answer please send me mail
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