Why Use a Foreign JMS Provider?

Customers sometimes need to use a different JMS provider from WebLogic JMS. Some of the reasons for doing this are: Legacy system access. It may be necessary to use a foreign JMS provider because only that software provides access to a particular legacy system, because only that software connects to a platform where WebLogic Server is not available. Message forwarding. Some customers may need to forward messages between a foreign JMS provider and WebLogic JMS, or even between two foreign JMS providers. In WebLogic Server 6.1 SP3 and 7.0, this can be accomplished without programming by using the Web-Logic Messaging Bridge. In addition, this document describes some ways to do this without using the bridge. Some customers may want to use two-phase commit when they do this in order to eliminate the possibility of losing or duplicating a message. Driving message-driven beans. Some customers, especially those who need to access messages from legacy systems, may need to use a foreign JMS provider to supply messages to a message-driven bean.

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