Visual Studio 2008 vs Visual Studio 2005

Review -1
VS 2005 is, overall, pretty good on my machine. There are a couple of things
I have found that interfere:

1. Amount of memory on machine
2. Precompilation complete (on assemblies)? - If you are not constantly
adding additional patches/software, you can run a command line to complete
all of the ngening that normally runs in the background. Once complete,
things speed up.
3. Virus scanners - some really dog Visual Studio

Thus far, 2008 seems to have some of the same problems, so if you have one
of the above, you will likely find it slow, as well.

Review -2
It just seems quite slow doing simple things and sometimes while it is
trying to do something my hard drive doesn't even flash but the page is
pretty slow to load initially. My projects are on the network and I have
1GB network connection. It would seem that things should be faster.

Review -3
Yes, the VS2005 designer was thrown away and replaced with a fast new one
that includes split screen (design & HTML view both visible & editable at

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