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What are benefits of using spring?
Following is the list of few of the great benefits of using Spring Framework:
Lightweight: Spring is lightweight when it comes to size and transparency. The basic
version of spring framework is around 2MB.
Inversion of control IOC: Loose coupling is achieved in spring using the technique
Inversion of Control. The objects give their dependencies instead of creating or looking for
dependent objects.
Aspect oriented AOP: Spring supports Aspect oriented programming and enables cohesive
development by separating application business logic from system services.
Container: Spring contains and manages the life cycle and configuration of application
MVC Framework: Spring's web framework is a well-designed web MVC framework, which
provides a great alternative to web frameworks such as Struts or other over engineered or
less popular web frameworks.
Transaction Management: Spring provides a consistent transaction management
interface that can scale down to a local transaction usingasingledatabase, forexample and scale up
to global transactions usingJTA, forexample.
Exception Handling: Spring provides a convenient API to translate technology-specific
exceptions thrownbyJDBC, Hibernate, orJDO, forexample into consistent, unchecked exceptions.
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