public DataRelation(string relationName, string parentTableName, string parentTableNamespace, string childTableName, string childTableNamespace, string[ ] parentColumnNames, string[ ] childColumnNames, bool nested)

public DataRelation(string relationName, string parentTableName,
string parentTableNamespace, string childTableName, string
childTableNamespace, string[ ] parentColumnNames, string[ ]
childColumnNames, bool nested)
Member of System.Data.DataRelation

This constructor is provided for design time support in the Visual
Studio environment.

relationName: The name of the System.Data.DataRelation. If null or an
empty string (""), a default name will be given when the created
object is added to the System.Data.DataRelationCollection.
parentTableName: The name of the System.Data.DataTable that is the
parent table of the relation.
parentTableNamespace: The name of the parent table namespace.
childTableName: The name of the System.Data.DataTable that is the
child table of the relation.
childTableNamespace: The name of the child table namespace.
parentColumnNames: An array of System.Data.DataColumn object names in
the parent System.Data.DataTable of the relation.
childColumnNames: An array of System.Data.DataColumn object names in
the child System.Data.DataTable of the relation.
nested: A value that indicates whether relationships are nested.


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