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Mirrored storage arrays
Because of the increased risks of natural and man-made disasters, each organization has their own disaster recovery plans. Most of the organizations keep a backup of their data on tapes in a remote location. But since transportation of these tapes from one place to another and then loading them on to an alternate server to bring the data online consumes hell lot of time. For faster disaster recovery, a live secondary server site which has a replica of the production data at the primary site is required and this is what Storage mirroring technology makes possible. Here, two storage systems kept at a large distance from each other transparently send data packets to each other and in the event of a disaster at one site, the other site can take over almost instantaneously because it has the most recent copy of whole of the critical data. Since the mirroring is done by the storage system, it does not add any additional load to the data center servers in this process. There have been some dramatic improvements in reliability and disaster readiness because of this technology.
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