Learn the basics of Spanish with this easy-to-understand course Chapter -2

we said that Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine, that
nouns ending in –o tend to be masculine, whilst those
ending in –a tend to be feminine.

There are, however, some exceptions to this rule.

Common examples of nouns ending in –a which are masculine are:

 clima .................... climate
 día ........................ day
 idioma ................... language
 mapa .................... map
 planeta .................. planeta
 poema ................... poem
 problema ............... problem
 programa ............... programme
 sistema .................. system
 sofá ........................ sofa
 telegrama ............... telegramme
 tema ....................... theme, subject

In the same way, some nouns which end in –o are classed as being
feminine, although there are not so many of them. Examples are:
 mano ....................... hand
 radio ........................ radio

Singular Nouns – Part III

Unfortunately, not all Spanish nouns end in –o or –a.

1. Nouns ending in –d and –z tend to be feminine, as in:
 edad .................... age
 paz ...................... peace

2. Nouns ending in –ión tend to be feminine, as in:
 canción ............... song
 religión ................ religion

3. Nouns ending in –e tend to be masculine, as in:
 aceite ................. oil
 diente ................. tooth

4. Nouns ending in –n tend to be masculine, as in:
 andén ................ pavement/sidewalk
 corazón .............. heart

5. Nouns ending in –r tend to be masculine, as in:
 azúcar ................ sugar
 lugar ................... place

6. Nouns ending in –l tend to be masculine, as in:
 ángel .................. angel
 hotel ................... hotel

7. Singular nouns ending in –s tend to be masculine, as in:
 autobús .............. bus
 interés ................ interest

Added to that, masculine nouns that end in a consonant often have a
corresponding feminine form that ends in –a:
 profesor/a ................ teacher
 doctor/a ................... doctor

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